This website is the product of a need. It was brought about while looking for bowling alleys in various cities that were going to be visited on vacations. Finding easy to access and reliable lane data was an issue. A tool that made this easy was needed. There were several websites that listed tournaments but none was very accurate and, especially, up to date. This is when the Bowling Alley Locator was started. It sports over 6000 facility listings and was expanded to include a rating system and submissions module so users can input tournament entries.
Combining the calendar with lane information was a natural.
The name BowlingQuest is a natural itself and a perfect excuse to revisit the states.
Tiffany Bell
I would like to update tournament information that is outdated on this wesbsite. How do I do that?
Strikes Rule
You got it. Just email us.
Thank you.
Tourn. Director
How can I find out who submits this information for tournaments. Or how this information gets uploaded without the consent of the bowling center.
Strikes Rule
Anyone can submit tournament information. We get entries from individuals who pick up flyers, see ads, get information off social media, are sent and/or obtain information from other sources. We can’t and don’t, track who enters them, just check for accuracy.
Hope this helps.
Thank you.
Ed Cotter
Is there a way to update Bowling Centers? Names have changed and two others need to be added.
Strikes Rule
Yes there is. Please email changes, additions, and any other information you’d like to share with us, to
These are always appreciated.
Thank you much.